Cotton is one of the important industrial crops. It is a plant that is frequently used in the chemical industry and can be grown in hot regions. You have witnessed this adventure where cotton is passed through our hands with quality workmanship.
FiberSeher Mensucat
The raw materials we have purchased for our business are selected by our experienced experts after carefully examining all laboratory test results.
KnittingSeher Mensucat
Knitting fabric, two groups of yarns (warp and weft) at right angles to each other with a certain system called knitting; It is formed by connecting and passing under and over each other.
DyeingSeher Mensucat
In our integrated facility, the yarns coming to our knitting facility are processed according to the production planning, by determining which type of fabric will be made on which machine, in which pattern.
ConfectionSeher Mensucat
In our garment factories, we produce under three brands as TUTKU ELİT, TUTKU and SEHER YILDIZI.
PackagingSeher Mensucat
It is a valuable material that protects the product placed in the package, ensures that it reaches you in the cleanest and most reliable conditions, and facilitates its transportation and storage.